Fall semester planning is on. As you plan your activities, also think about how you will market them to faculty. Below are some ideas for how to get faculty interested... read more →
To all of the adults who are in some way, shape, or form supporting children during this time: WE’VE GOT YOU. We appreciate that social distancing and distance learning have... read more →
In our recent webinar on The First Year Transition: Supporting Incoming College Students with Infobase in Uncertain Times and Beyond, Lisa Hill, Product Marketing Manager, explored how Credo Reference, Writer’s... read more →
It’s likely that your college or university is suddenly holding many classes online that were previously in person. The switch doesn’t affect all classes evenly—some classes were already online, for... read more →
This pandemic exposed a very poor infrastructure in supporting digital learning and access. Known as the “digital divide,” this term refers to unequal access between different groups who have, and... read more →