Technology continues to have a profound impact on today’s students, allowing students across the globe to compete on equal footing and to broaden their horizons like never before. With the... read more →
“When technology integration is organic, it emerges naturally. It is not forced.” —Adam Juarez & Katherine Goyette, The Complete EdTech Coach In 2021, we have seen a move from traditional... read more →
Many of us today have to design learning objects and think of ways to support our users remotely. It can be challenging to find balance and to create effective digital... read more →
Have you tried our new interactive video quiz feature yet? Newly added to our streaming video products for schools and universities, this excellent tool for remote education and assessments allows... read more →
As we prepare to enter a new year (2021 already?!), it’s fun to look back on the last. We discovered some interesting trends from the past year by compiling some... read more →