Although the Harlem Renaissance is most closely associated with New York City, its influence spread around the globe. Here we show some of the areas affected by Harlem's ideas and... read more →
According to Professor Howard Stevenson, racial literacy is the ability to identify and resolve racially stressful social interactions. It is a critical skill needed to understand lived experiences and interpersonal... read more →
Documenting COVID-19 and its impact on our communities continues to be important work for librarians and archivists. We interviewed academic librarian Gina Murrell last time on her experiences collecting stories... read more →
Public libraries claim to be built on the foundational value of equal access for all, but in fact, like many public institutions, many have a complicated history of racism and... read more →
Today there are opportunities to integrate information literacy into interdisciplinary fields such as Ethnic Studies and African American Studies. According to the World of Sociology, “African American Studies is an... read more →