
Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection






Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection

About This Product:

Help students gather background information on the events shaping today’s headlines with scholarly resources on contemporary issues relating to technology, economics and class, ethics and religion, race and ethnicity, and social activism. When students are asked to write persuasive papers for ENG 101 and other Gen Ed courses, point them to these digital titles, and help them steer clear of dubious open-web searches.

Credo Essentials Collections offer access to award-winning, notable, and peer-acclaimed reference content. Available collections cover dozens of in-demand subjects and are curated by Credo. Each is seamlessly updated as new editions publish and new content is licensed. Content is regularly refreshed to ensure continued relevance. Credo Essentials Collections are full text and searchable alongside the content on the Credo research platform.

Click here for a list of reference titles included in this collection.

  • Content updates: Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection titles are seamlessly updated and weeded for your convenience.
  • Citation management: With the Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection, users can conveniently cite entries in MLA, Chicago, APA, and Harvard formats.
  • Embeds: The Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection allows users to embed entries in their school’s learning management system, virtual learning environment or other guides/websites. Any entry may be embedded, including those with images, audio, or videos.
  • Permalinks: The Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection’s record URLs make it easy for researchers to return to previously viewed pages, and allow users to create “custom collections on the fly.”
  • Integration options: Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection content can be embedded into LibGuides or any LMS that supports iFrame, including Canvas, D2L, Moodle, and Blackboard.
  • Google Drive integration: Users can save Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection entries to Google Docs via Google Authenticator or through their personal Gmail accounts.
  • Export entries: Users can print, save as a PDF, or email Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection entries simply and conveniently.
  • Responsive design: The Contemporary Issues and Controversies Essentials Collection’s platform ensures a smooth user experience on any type of device.
  • Accessible content: Audio files and dictation of text content (downloadable in MP3 format) improve accessibility and provide different avenues for students to absorb information.
  • Translations: Text content is translated into 60+ languages.

  • Climate Change
  • Crime and Safety
  • Current Events and Politics
  • Drug Policy
  • Economics and Class
  • Ethics and Religion
  • Environment
  • Family and Community
  • Health
  • Media
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Social Activism
  • Social Sciences
  • Technology

In an effort to curate the very best content for each collection, notable awards and recommendations are used to guide our selection process. Several titles in each collection have been distinguished in the following lists:

  • Booklist Editors’ Choice
  • Choice Community College Recommendation
  • Choice Community College Top 75
  • Choice Outstanding Academic Title (OAT)
  • Library Journal Best Reference
  • Resources for College Libraries (RCL) 
  • Reference & User Services Association (RUSA)

World News Digest






World News Digest

NOT Fake News: Content You Can Trust

About This Product

Presenting more than eight decades of authoritative news summaries and background articles, World News Digest contains a wealth of material and a dynamic interface that makes it easy to explore the events that shape our world. World News Digest frames events for research and is the place to start any reference project because it provides accurate, unbiased information that is clear, concise, and written for swift retrieval of the most important details.

For more than 80 years, World News Digest has been a go-to resource for context and background on key issues and events in the news. News sources, governments, and organizations rely on World News Digest for a broader view of the issues that matter today.

Get a FREE TRIAL of World News Digest.

  • Topic-based research support: World News Digest promotes understanding of a topic by combining the latest news with key context and background. It has been the source for authoritative news summaries and background articles since 1940.
  • Exclusive, extensive coverage: World News Digest is packed with more than 350,000 original articles from 1940 to today. These include overviews of historic events, country profiles, historical documents, biographies, research features, special reports, editorials, and editorial cartoons. World News Digest also provides easy access to extensive historical video footage from the 1940s through the 2010s, bringing decades of key historic events to life. This rich archive provides a solid foundation for research.
  • News headlines: World News Digest features up-to-the-minute coverage with news articles from Reuters®.
  • Facts and figures researchers can trust: World News Digest offers researchers accurate, objective, and concise coverage of the most vital stories and issues.
  • Information in context: In our age of information overload, World News Digest offers clear and cogent political, economic, and cultural features that give a sense of time, place, and circumstance.
  • Videos: World News Digest features a wealth of historical footage, filterable by decade, including Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1941 “Day of Infamy” speech, footage from the Apollo 11 moon landing, President Reagan’s speech at the Brandenburg Gate in 1987, and hundreds more.
  • News Media Roundups: World News Digest spotlights timely, hot-button events of the week, linking to a wide range of editorially curated content about each event, including news articles, social media reaction, videos, editorial cartoons, and infographics.
  • Landmark Events in History: This section of World News Digest highlights major events, browsable by decade, from 1940 to today, including the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
  • Browse news by country, people, or topic: The Browse News options available in World News Digest allow for a geographical, biographical, or thematic approach to recent history and current events.
  • Facts and statistics: The Facts & Statistics section in World News Digest features encyclopedia content for facts, figures, and general information behind the news.
  • Historical Documents: This section of World News Digest features primary sources with introductory notes that provide context and background—perfect for strengthening critical-thinking skills.
  • U.S. Presidential Elections: This World News Digest section compiles news articles, photographs, primary sources, and more for each presidential election from 1940 to 2020, plus a 2024 Elections Guide.
  • That Day in History: This World News Digest feature enables users to search a specific date for all the news that happened that day. Students can find out what took place on their birthdays or other important dates, locate upcoming anniversaries of major events, or just get a snapshot of all the developments from notable dates in history.
  • Curriculum Tools: This section of World News Digest features writing and research tips for students and educators—emphasizing information literacy—including:
    • Advice on analyzing and understanding editorial cartoons, newspaper editorials, historical documents, online sources, and more
    • Guides for presenting research, including avoiding plagiarism, citing sources, summarizing articles, writing research papers, and writing and delivering speeches
    • Educator tools, including advice on assessing students’ speeches, exploring point of view, preventing plagiarism, and using editorial cartoons and newspaper editorials in class.
  • Background and overviews: World News Digest provides crucial overviews and special features summarizing key topics to jump-start research.
  • Authoritative sources: World News Digest features expertly researched and written content distilled from a multitude of carefully selected print and electronic sources to form the essential record of world events.

  • Editorial newsfeed, historical newspaper editorials, and editorial cartoons from national and international newspapers, adding context and perspective on news events from 1940 to today
  • “Forward in Time” and “Back in Time” links for a complete chronological chain of events
  • Key background information such as searchable historical documents and images, primary sources, country profiles, and obituaries
  • Research Features and in-depth coverage guides on high-interest topics
  • Objective, concise historical and current news summaries
  • Carefully curated videos and news graphics embedded into coverage of today’s latest developments
  • Background information for every country, with Google Maps
  • Google Translate for more than 100 languages
  • Subject-based Search Assist technology
  • Tabbed search results with filters
  • Dynamic citations in MLA and Chicago formats, with APA guidelines
  • Read Aloud tool
  • Featured Story widget
  • Uses HTTPS, a requirement for many new browser features, to protect the security and privacy of our users
  • Searchable Support Center with valuable help materials, how-to tips, tutorials, and live help chat.

World News Digest: New COVID-19 Content and More

World News Digest, the go-to resource for context and background on key issues and events in the news, is continuously updated with authoritative news summaries and background articles on the issues that matter today, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 U.S. elections. Here are some new fea…read more →

World News Digest: New Overview Video

Hundreds of news sources, governments, and organizations—including ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, NBC News, NPR, and the parliaments of Canada and Australia—rely on World News Digest for a broader view of the issues that matter today. Presenting more than seven decades of authoritative new…read more →

World News Digest: New Google Maps Integration

In an exciting update, World News Digest users can now find Google Maps at the top of each country’s overview. The maps come with an Expand option that enlarges the map to full screen, zoom in/zoom out options, the ability to click and drag to explore the map, and several map types including Terra…read more →

World News Digest: Spotlight on the 2020 Elections Guide

On November 3, 2020, voters in the U.S. will go to the polls to cast ballots in elections on the federal, state, and local levels, including for the presidency and Congress. The first Democratic Party primary debates have already begun for the 2020 presidential election—an election that promises t…read more →

World News Digest: New and Improved!

We’re delighted to announce that the award-winning World News Digest has just been relaunched. The go-to resource for context and background on key issues of both historical events and breaking news now features an improved design, a brand-new video collection and editorial newsfeed, and man…read more →

World News Digest: Brand-New Video Feature Coming Soon!

World News Digest will be relaunching for back-to-school, and one of the many highlights will be the addition of a brand-new video feature! For the first time, users will have easy access to extensive historical video footage—from the 1940s through the 2010s—never before contained in the databas…read more →

World News Digest: Spotlight on New Editorial Newsfeed

One of the many highlights of the soon-to-be-relaunched World News Digest will be the addition of an editorial newsfeed featuring current newspaper editorials, many from international sources, via NewsEdge. These thought-provoking new editorials will keep students and researchers on top of trendi…read more →

World News Digest: New & Improved Version Coming Soon

Infobase is delighted to announce that the award-winning World News Digest database will soon be relaunched, with a completely new design, improved navigation, powerful new functionality, and a wealth of exciting new content—including a brand-new video collection and much more. Here is a brief o…read more →

World News Digest: 2018 Updates

World News Digest is continuously updated and enhanced, increasing the educational value of this award-winning resource. Here is a recap of some of the content updates made so far this year. Recent Updates and Additions: News Media Roundups: Created more than 150 new collections of various media on …read more →

World News Digest: 2017 Year in Review—Updates and More

World News Digest has been updated and enhanced throughout the past year, increasing the educational value of this award-winning resource. Recent Updates and Additions: News Media Roundups: Added 340 new collections of various media on breaking news as it occurred; the feature is now searchable, and…read more →

Polling the Nations






Polling the Nations

Thousands of Public Opinion Polls—Perfect for Research, Debates, and Discussions

About This Product

Polling the Nations is a critically acclaimed online database of public opinion polls. Aggregated from more than 1,000 sources, the polls feature 750,000+ poll questions covering hundreds of breaking-news events and thousands of topics, including climate change, health care, elections and voting rights, foreign policy, immigration, gun control, affirmative action, criminal justice reform, and many more. The clean, intuitive design and powerful, interactive tools provide users with great flexibility to customize and organize the information exactly as they wish.

Polling the Nations brings together thousands of polls going back more than a third of a century, giving students the tools they need to investigate, analyze, and think critically about the important challenges facing the world—a must-have database for any institution.

Get a FREE TRIAL of Polling the Nations.

Why Polls Are Important

Polls are essential parts of contemporary life—a trusted measure of public sentiment that help students and scholars gauge what large numbers of people are thinking or doing. By informing citizens, leaders, and businesses what broad swaths of the population believe on specific issues and ideas, polls can even steer the economy, influence elections, and determine the direction of the country.

Polls play a unique and important role in today’s world. Although polls aren’t perfect and can occasionally yield flawed results, evidence shows overwhelmingly that they are the best and most accurate way to measure public opinion at a given moment in a given era. Polls are also objective and unbiased. Unlike other forms of information—articles, reports, speeches, etc.—polls rely entirely on raw data unfiltered by ideology or political slant. In addition, they are easy to read and understand.

A Vital Tool for Researchers

For students, the information gained from polls is especially useful in pro/con discussions, debates, presentations, and reports. The polling results in Polling the Nations can be used to add real-life, up-to-date information on a wide range of topics in subjects including social studies, history, civics, government, political science, economics, current events, sociology, and media and cultural studies. Polling the Nations is also an outstanding resource for math and statistics courses that require students to create graphs to display data.

Polls Are Primary Sources

Clear and unbiased, Polling the Nations’ polls are excellent primary sources that encourage and facilitate critical thinking and learning. Having access to this direct, unfiltered information provides a fresh perspective that can be found in no other place.

The Most Comprehensive Resource

Polling the Nations’ sheer comprehensiveness makes it the best resource for polling data, having more surveys from more sources in more countries than any other resource anywhere. The polls cover all 50 states, dozens of U.S. cities, Canadian provinces, and more than 100 countries around the world. Polling the Nations is updated regularly so users always have access to the latest polls. Plus, having more than 30 years of outstanding reference material makes it easy for researchers to track changing public opinions on topics over time.

  • Definitive coverage: Polling the Nations features the full text of more than 750,000 questions from more than 18,000 surveys conducted in the United States and more than 100 other countries—more nations than any other resource—from 1986 to the present. Plus, an extensive index contains more than 3,000 topics on politics, social issues, economics, and more.
  • Recent coverage: Updated regularly, hundreds of new polls are added every month.
  • Full-color, customizable display: All polls in Polling the Nations appear in full color, and most can be displayed in multiple formats: bar graph, pie chart, and raw data. The interactive display tools allow users to customize the content for reports and presentations.
  • Clear organization: Every poll question in Polling the Nations includes the question’s source, date, sample size, location, and method—all the essential information readers need to interpret, analyze, and understand it. In addition, the poll question pages feature not just the individual poll question, but the entire poll from which the question was asked, enabling students to view every poll in its entirety and in context.
  • Authoritative sources: Polling the Nations provides surveys from the most respected polling organizations in the world, including CNN, ABC/USA Today, CBS/New York Times, Fox News, NBC/Wall Street Journal, Quinnipiac, Economist/YouGov, Marist, and Pew Research Center, as well as from major universities, foundations, associations, and corporations.
  • Easy to search: Polling the Nations’ search bar—always visible on the top of every page—makes finding polls quick and easy, and multiple filter options streamline search results.
  • Easy to browse: Students can also browse polls by Topics, Locations, or Sources using the links in either the right rail of the home page or the drop-down menu in the top left corner of each page. The Topics, Locations, and Sources pages each highlight high-interest subjects in a banner across the top—many of which include a background article to help readers assess and contextualize the polls.
    • Browse by Topic: The Topics page features thousands of topics and subtopics to help readers refine their search.
    • Browse by Location: The Locations page features hundreds of places indicating specific geographic areas where polls were conducted, enabling readers to compare results from state to state or country to country.
    • Browse by Source: The Sources page features more than 1,000 companies whose polls Polling the Nations aggregates, allowing readers to zero in on a single source or compare the results of different polling companies.
  • A range of topics: The timely, curricular topics polled include:
    • Animal rights
    • Celebrities and entertainment
    • Climate change and environmental issues
    • Crime and prisons
    • Economics and finance
    • Education
    • Foreign policy
    • Gay rights
    • Gender
    • Government and politics
    • Gun control
    • Health care reform
    • Immigration
    • Internet and media
    • Legalizing marijuana
    • Police and safety
    • Popular culture
    • Religion
    • Sports
    • and many more.

  • Updated regularly
  • Fully responsive design for mobile and other platforms
  • “Polls in the News” on home page, showcasing current high-interest polls
  • Save to Folder, Print, and Download options in top bar, above each poll; Download option allows users to download poll data to Excel
  • My Content feature, enabling users to save and organize polls for future reference
  • Dynamic citations in MLA and Chicago formats, with EasyBib and NoodleTools export functionality
  • Persistent record links
  • An accessible interface, including VPAT, to ensure a comfortable research experience for all users
  • Searchable Support Center with valuable help materials, how-to tips, tutorials, and live help chat
  • Google Translate for 100+ languages.

  • A range of topics: The timely, curricular topics polled include:
    • Animal rights
    • Celebrities and entertainment
    • Climate change and environmental issues
    • Crime and prisons
    • Economics and finance
    • Education
    • Foreign policy
    • Gay rights
    • Gender
    • Government and politics
    • Gun control
    • Health care reform
    • Immigration
    • Internet and media
    • Legalizing marijuana
    • Police and safety
    • Popular culture
    • Religion
    • Sports
    • and many more.

New & Improved Polling the Nations Coming Soon

We are pleased to announce that our Polling the Nations database is being completely redesigned, rebuilt from the ground up, later this month. The new and improved resource—indispensable for anyone seeking poll data on issues going back more than a third of a century—will feature a cleaner, full…read more →

Polling the Nations: New Questions and Polls

More than 110 new polls with 3,800+ questions have been added to Polling the Nations from trusted sources including CBS News, AARP, Elon University, CNN, Kaiser Family Foundation, NBC, Marist Institute for Public Opinion, and ABC/Washington Post. The new questions and polls cover timely and importa…read more →

Polling the Nations: Brand-New Polls and Questions

Polling the Nations, Infobase’s latest addition to its family of databases, has just received an update that includes 24 new polls from such trusted sources as CBS News, NBC/Wall Street Journal, Quinnipiac, Marist, and Fox News, and more than 700 new questions. These new polls cover such topics as…read more →

Polling the Nations: Trusted Source of Polling Statistics Comes to Infobase

Infobase is proud to announce that it has acquired Polling the Nations, adding it to its list of online resources for high schools and academic and public libraries. Polling the Nations is an online database of public opinion polls containing the full text of more than 700,000 questions and respons…read more →

Issues & Controversies






Issues & Controversies

The place to go to prepare for a debate, discussion, research paper, or persuasive writing assignment

About This Product

Issues & Controversies helps researchers understand today’s crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot-button topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Our Issue and Article pages make it simple to see all of the available content in one place, thousands of editorials and columns from major newspapers provide readers a broad range of opinions on trending topics, and the database’s simple navigation and search results and clear organization and taxonomy give users an intuitive and user-friendly research experience. 

Updated weekly, with an extensive backfile, Issues & Controversies offers in-depth pro/con articles that present both sides of an issue clearly, coherently, and without bias made to inspire thought-provoking debates and improve critical-thinking skills. Its straightforward presentation of the key facts, arguments, history, and current context of today’s most important and timely issues makes the database an ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments. The articles are written by our own expert writers and editors, and each article includes a full range of primary sources, statistics, discussion questions, a chronology, and other supplemental materials.

Get a FREE TRIAL of Issues & Controversies.

  • Extensive, objective, and comprehensive coverage: Issues & Controversies features timely, in-depth articles covering complex, hot-button issues in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Designed to inspire thought-provoking debates, each article presents both sides of an issue clearly and without bias.
  • Pro and con statements: Each Issues & Controversies article presents clear pro/con statements that highlight the main arguments on each side of the controversy, presenting a quick, balanced, and succinct synopsis from supporters and opponents and allowing users to explore all of the controversies related to each issue in one place.
  • Original videos and instructor support materials: Selected hot-button issues in Issues & Controversies feature overview videos to introduce the topic and exclusive Enhanced Lessons to extend the lesson beyond the articles. Enhanced Lessons include overviews, learning objectives, printable handouts (such as self-assessments with answer keys), discussion questions, and much more.
  • Debate videos: Issues & Controversies includes compelling, thought-provoking, Oxford-style debate videos from the renowned Open to Debate Foundation series, featuring some of the most prominent political figures, journalists, academics, and experts in the United States and throughout the world on a wide range of crucial topics in areas such as crime, law, and justice; economy, money, and business; education; energy and the environment; families and youth; global issues and world affairs; government and politics; health and medicine; race, rights, and liberties; science and technology; and society and culture.
  • QuickTake videos: Issues & Controversies features short, succinct overview videos produced by the global information and technology company Bloomberg that cover major topics such as immigration, climate change, marijuana legalization, the opioid crisis, and e-cigarettes.
  • Editorials: For a broader perspective on contemporary events and conflicts, Issues & Controversies features thousands of editorials and opinions via NewsEdge from prominent newspapers and magazines worldwide and across the political spectrum—including the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Houston ChronicleJerusalem PostChina DailyNation, and Atlantic.
  • Audio content: Issues & Controversies features editorially curated and selected National Public Radio (NPR) audio recordings and podcasts—including episodes of NPR’s Fresh Air and On Point—linked directly to specific articles to enhance context, understanding, and research. Along with the original recordings, many feature transcripts of the entire broadcast or selected highlights.
  • Infographics: Issues & Controversies includes more than 150 stand-alone infographics, presenting vast amounts of information in easy-to-access charts, graphs, and tables that make it simple for users to visualize statistics and quickly grasp essential ideas.
  • Rich related resources: Issues & Controversies contains a topic-based Reuters® newsfeed, editorial cartoons, timelines, primary sources, speeches, congressional testimony, newspaper editorials, and discussion questions that prompt researchers to do their own critical thinking and analysis.
  • Curriculum Tools: This section in Issues & Controversies features writing and research tips for students and educators, including:
    • Advice on analyzing historical documents, evaluating online sources, and more
    • Tips on presenting research, including avoiding plagiarism, citing sources, summarizing articles, writing research papers, and writing and delivering speeches
    • Educator tools, including advice on assessing students’ speeches and interviews, exploring point of view with students, holding a town hall meeting, preventing plagiarism, using editorial cartoons in class, and debates
    • Enhanced Lessons for educators on selected issues, with topic overviews and educator support materials including activities and printable handouts, learning objectives, related resources, assessments, and more.
  • Primary sources: Issues & Controversies includes original documents with introductory para­graphs that provide context and background to the sources—perfect for strengthening critical-thinking skills.
  • Court cases: Issues & Controversies contains original, searchable stand-alone articles that summarize key court cases—including those decided by the U.S. Supreme Court—on major issues in contemporary society, including abortion and reproductive rights, affirmative action, animal rights, capital punishment, drugs, gun control, health care, immigration, racial profiling, and more. Each article explains the background of the case, the legal issues it raised, the court’s decision, and its impact.
  • Full coverage of each National High School Debate Topic: The National High School Debate Topics section of Issues & Controversies offers comprehensive articles on every annual debate topic since 1997, covering such critical issues as alternative energy, domestic surveillance, and national infrastructure.
  • Bill of Rights in Debate: Many of the issues covered by Issues & Controversies deal with constitutional questions; however, the various sides in a debate often interpret what the Constitution says differently. The “Bill of Rights in Debate” section deepens understanding of the U.S. Constitution in contemporary life by linking Issues & Controversies articles directly to constitutional rights.
  • Presidential Elections and Administrations: Issues & Controversies provides comprehensive background articles on all presidential races since 1996—including articles about the candidates’ views on campaign issues, party platforms, and excerpts from convention speeches—and the presidencies of Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump.

  • Issues from the headlines, covering the most controversial issues of the 21st century, including abortion, capital punishment, drug legalization, energy and climate change, gun control, health care, immigration, racial profiling, and world poverty
  • Thousands of links to key news stories, timelines, primary source documents, and additional resources giving researchers context, insight, and perspective
  • Searchable Reuters® newsfeed, updated hourly, giving students access to the latest news and headlines
  • “By the Numbers,” offering statistical material with every article and issue
  • Background Encyclopedia content
  • Comprehensive chronologies and overview articles
  • Enhanced filters, Search Assist technology, and suggested search terms
  • Read Aloud tool
  • Google Translate for 100+ languages
  • Ability to download text articles as PDFs
  • Enhanced Save-to-Folder functionality
  • Dynamic citations in MLA, Chicago, and APA formats, with EasyBib and NoodleTools export functionality
  • Searchable Support Center with valuable help materials, how-to tips, tutorials, and live help chat.

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Homelessness

Featured in Issues & Controversies: HOMELESSNESS: Is the “Housing First” Approach the Best Way to Fight Homelessness? SUPPORTERS ARGUE Housing First is an effective and proven solution to combating homelessness. Providing homeless people with permanent housing without barriers or pr…read more →

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy, SPECIAL EDITION—Coronavirus

Featured in Issues & Controversies: CORONAVIRUS: Are Quarantines and Travel Restrictions Appropriate Responses to COVID-19? SUPPORTERS ARGUE Quarantines and travel bans help slow the spread of the disease, giving countries more time to prepare and, ultimately, saving lives. The coronavirus cons…read more →

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Socialism

Featured in Issues & Controversies: SOCIALISM: Should the United States Embrace Socialist Policies? SUPPORTERS ARGUE Socialism can restore dignity to the lives of American workers. For too long, hard-toiling Americans have suffered from debt and deprivation while the rich get richer and rig the…read more →

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Climate Change

Featured in Issues & Controversies: CLIMATE CHANGE: Should the U.S. Government Take Aggressive Steps to Combat Climate Change? SUPPORTERS ARGUE As one of the world’s leading polluters, the United States has a responsibility to lead the fight against climate change. Policies such as cap an…read more →

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Impeachment

Featured in Issues & Controversies: IMPEACHMENT: Should the U.S. Senate Convict President Donald Trump of the Articles of Impeachment Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives? SUPPORTERS ARGUE President Trump is guilty of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. By soliciting foreign inte…read more →

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Medicare for All

Featured in Issues & Controversies: MEDICARE FOR ALL: Should the U.S. Government Replace Private Medical Insurance with a National “Medicare for All” Health Care Program? SUPPORTERS ARGUE Health care is a human right, yet many Americans cannot afford it because of out-of-control cos…read more →

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Red Flag Laws

Featured in Issues & Controversies: RED FLAG LAWS: Should Courts Confiscate Guns from People They Deem a Danger to Themselves or Others? SUPPORTERS ARGUE It is common sense to allow courts to remove guns from people who family members or police suspect pose a danger to themselves or others. Red…read more →

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Brexit

Featured in Issues & Controversies: BREXIT: Will Leaving the European Union Benefit the United Kingdom? SUPPORTERS ARGUE The European Union is a bloated, undemocratic organization corrosive to national sovereignty. Brexit will allow the United Kingdom to boost its economic competitiveness, reas…read more →

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Populism

Featured in Issues & Controversies: POPULISM: Are Populist Movements Good for Liberal Democracy? SUPPORTERS ARGUE Populism stems from the failure of mainstream political parties to address the concerns of average voters, and populist movements are essential for the health of democracy. The peop…read more →

Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—E-Cigarettes and Vaping

Featured in Issues & Controversies: E-CIGARETTES AND VAPING: Should the Federal Government Strictly Regulate the E-Cigarette Industry? SUPPORTERS ARGUE E-cigarettes and other vaping products are potentially harmful to public health, and the federal government needs to carefully scrutinize them …read more →

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