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For 80+ years, Infobase has been supporting colleges and universities serious about creating career-ready students. Turn to Infobase to provide support for early academic research, critical thinking, and information literacy.

Infobase is where your students are. No matter the format, we provide unlimited access to thoughtfully curated materials that can be accessed anywhere.

Rely on familiar brands that have been well-respected and used in educational institutions for decades, including Bloom’s, Credo, Films On Demand, Facts On File, Ferguson’s, Learn360, Issues & Controversies, Science Online, and more.

We partner with 1,000+ international producers and publishers, including PBS, BBC, A&E, HBO®, Sage, DK, Springer, Wiley, Elsevier Science, and more.

See how Infobase helps libraries in higher education achieve their missions.

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