I still remember my first year teaching a collegiate Research Methods course. My students treated the research process as if it were a foreign language that they had never been... read more →
We recently met with Sue Maniloff, VP Business Development at Omnigraphics, a reference publisher, to discuss the importance of diversity resources for schools and libraries. Omnigraphics’ new work Understanding and... read more →
As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have had to adapt our teaching practices. Reflective practice is something to consider adding to your library instruction. In this blog... read more →
Featured in Issues & Controversies: GUN CONTROL: Should the United States Adopt Stronger Gun Control Laws? Should the United States adopt stronger gun control laws? Be sure to check out Issues... read more →
As a student, you know already that studying is vital to your success. Of course, you could choose to study on your own, or you could join a study group.... read more →